Why did they change donna in twin peaks season two
Why did they change donna in twin peaks season two

They're all repeating the same mistakes or stuck in the same or similar abusive relationships.

why did they change donna in twin peaks season two

Nobody in the show has moved on from who they were 25 years ago. The fact that the women characters are mistreated in season 3 is kind of the point. In that season she has two arcs - one where she's a damsel waiting for Cooper to rescue her, the other an awful awful romance with Billy Zane.Įdit: Actually I should expand on this a bit. I think the few sparse scenes with her in season 3 do her a lot more service than anything in season 2. I wonder how much the death of certain actors and the refusal of ontkean to return had an effect on the storyĪudrey is probably my favourite character. I liked a lot of things from the season and I'm glad it exists but the end of season 2/fwwm serve as a better ending point imo

why did they change donna in twin peaks season two

Idk maybe I'll appreciate it more down the line but yeah. The shit with Jacoby being an alt right grifter and Jerry getting high as balls were whatever, Diane being a tulpa and then actually using the scarred face mask of an Asian lady was something, and I feel like it crossed into unintentional comedy with floating major briggs and steam machine not-David Bowie Donna isn't even mentioned, Audrey only pops up in for a few small scenes near the end and they never expand on that at all, Annie is never mentioned etc. I didn't want a fanfiction ending but it just felt off.Īlso the treatment of the women characters from the original woof. There were a lot of good singular scenes and I loved Dougie Jones but there was way too much of that and barely any Dale. Season 2 is still far and away my favorite season even with a bad ~5 episode run in the middle.

#Why did they change donna in twin peaks season two series#

So I've been posting all my updates here, finally finished the series so I figured I'd post my thoughts here I really cannot wait to watch those last two episodes. Well, until Lynch did with the last episode. Really, the terrible funeral scene was what really doomed the second season. Instead we get the Milford brothers, Little Nicky and Nadine in high school. Seeing the fallout from that could have been incredibly touching. Just think back about how broken the town was when they first heard about her death, the reveal of who her killer was should have been at least as impactful. Like there are almost a dozen episodes where the death of Laura palmer is ever mentioned. The real mistake was that they forgot about it. I don't think they could have kept the mystery going for that much longer. Rewatching this second season I really feel like the mistake they made was never in revealing the killer. The early parts of the show treated that melodrama with a sincerity that I've never found elsewhere. So many of the shows most iconic moments are in that high school: Donna crying, Audrey smoking at her locker, the girl screaming.

why did they change donna in twin peaks season two

We even get a few glimpses into the high school for the Nadine storyline, and I do really feel that they made a mistake not to make more of the high school setting. Then there is the whole terrible plotline about who Donnas real father is. Audrey and Bobby are part of Bens plot, Shelly has the short romance with Gordon, James has basically no agency in the Evelyn plot (and then just disappears from the show), Mike(who I don't think we've seen for like a dozen episodes) becomes Nadines boyfriend. Barely any of them get any real screentime and even when they do they are mostly relegated to be in someone elses plotline. Sadly, the high school characters are really relegated to secondary characters in this second half of the season. I know a lot of people hate James, but the Donna/James/Laura triangle was incredibly important to the mystery in the first season and I always found the Donna/James romance to be quite touching. One big thing that has been missing this entire backhalf though, and which I think really was a big part of the appeal of the whole series: The teenage melodrama. There's still plenty here that doesn't work though: The John Justice Wheeler/Audrey romance is terrible, the continuing Eckhard storyline doesn't really work, the Miss Twin Peaks contest just seems very forced.

why did they change donna in twin peaks season two

The terrible "Josie as a maid" storyline is over, the James/Evelyn plot is done, Little Nicky is nowhere to be seen (although the Dick/Andy/Lucy plotline is still not resolved), Ben has finally regained his mind, the whole drug enterprise is over. It still isn't quite there, with some plotlines really working better than others.Ī lot of it is just silly fun, but still, those parts work way better than anything in the mid-season. It really kinda feels like a second new start, with most of the mid-season plotlines resolved or dropped. Me and two friends are finally getting to the end of season 2 (we really kinda fell off for a while, the middle of season 2 really drags) and it's crazy how much the show catches itself once Annie is introduced.

Why did they change donna in twin peaks season two